The efficacy of soaking matcha powder in water for drinking

The efficacy of soaking matcha powder in water for drinking

Matcha powder is a common health food in daily life, which can have a good effect. Many people use Matcha powder to soak water and drink. Drinking matcha powder soaked in water can protect teeth and vision, as well as refresh the mind, enhance beauty and skincare. It is very suitable for young people to drink and generally has no harm.

matcha tea powder

The efficacy of drinking matcha powder

The main benefits are as follows:

1. Skincare and Beauty

Matcha powder is a type of steamed green tea that is finely ground into powder through natural stone grinding. It contains a large amount of vitamin C, vitamin E, and other substances. Vitamin C can nourish the skin and prevent UV damage, while vitamin E can delay skin aging. Therefore, matcha powder has certain beauty and beauty effects.

2. Protecting vision

Drinking matcha powder in water also has a certain protective effect on vision. Matcha powder contains a large amount of vitamin A. These substances enter the human body and combine with other nutrients to convert into a large amount of vitamin A. Vitamin A has a great effect on human eyes and has a certain effect on protecting vision. Therefore, for people with poor eyesight, drinking an appropriate amount of matcha powder and some matcha powder in water is very good.
3. Protecting teeth
Matcha powder contains a large amount of fluoride ions, which can act on human teeth and other bone lipids, prevent osteoporosis, increase bone density, and protect tooth health.
4. Refreshing
One of the important benefits of matcha powder is to refresh and awaken the mind, as it contains a certain amount of caffeine and tea polyphenols, which can directly affect the biological nerves of the human body, stimulate nerves, keep the brain clear, and make thinking faster and clearer.
5. Diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and stone prevention
When people eat matcha powder, it can also play an important role in diuresis, reducing swelling, and preventing stones because it is rich in caffeine and theophylline. After entering the human body, it can inhibit the absorption of calcium by renal tubules and prevent the formation of stones. In addition, matcha powder can also improve human kidney function, accelerate water metabolism in the body, and prevent poor urination or body edema.

matcha tea

The disadvantages of drinking matcha powder soaked in water:

  1. Moderate consumption of matcha powder is harmless, but excessive consumption of matcha powder may increase the burden on the kidneys, affect the absorption of iron in food, and even cause symptoms such as anemia.
  2. Matcha contains alkaloids. This is a natural alkaline beverage. This element can neutralize acidic foods and maintain the normal pH value of human body fluids. In addition, the tannins in matcha can inhibit bacteria. Caffeine can also promote the secretion of gastric juice. Aromatic oil can dissolve fat and aid digestion. Therefore, matcha has the effect of improving the digestive system.
  3. Matcha can reduce the harm of radiation. The tea essence in matcha can neutralize the radioactive element strontium and reduce the damage caused by atomic radiation. To a certain extent, these components will cause radiation pollution to today’s cities.
  4. Matcha can also prevent hypertension. Matcha contains rich tea essence, which can enhance the body’s ability to accumulate vitamins, reduce the accumulation of fat in the blood and liver, and maintain the normal resistance of capillaries. Therefore, drinking matcha appropriately has certain benefits in preventing and treating hypertension, arteriosclerosis, and coronary heart disease.
  5. Matcha can also lower cholesterol and prevent obesity. The vitamin C in matcha can lower cholesterol in the blood, enhance vascular toughness, lower cholesterol, and lose weight.

matcha powder

How to make matcha powder and drink it best
Matcha powder cannot be directly brewed with boiling water. How can we best brew and drink matcha powder? You can first adjust the paste with a little boiling water, which means adding a little water to the matcha powder to make it a fine paste without clumping particles, then slowly adding a little water to gradually adjust it to liquid, and finally adding all the boiling water you want to prepare. Do not mix the slurry with cold water, as this will accelerate the oxidation and discoloration of matcha powder. If the mud is not mixed, there will be a large amount of clumping when washed with water alone. Drink the prepared matcha as soon as possible. When it cools, it will condense at the bottom of the water, forming a layer of object that cannot be washed away anymore. If you want to make something out of matcha powder, you can try making sponge cakes or Seven Peaks, cookies, or soft toast. Too sweet and too greasy is not suitable. Eating matcha together is the best.

matcha green tea

Who is not suitable for drinking matcha powder and soaking in water:

  1. Generally speaking, people with weak and cold bodies are not suitable to drink matcha powder to drink water.
  2. Under normal circumstances, people who are physically weak or have weak spleen and stomach should try not to drink matcha powder as it can increase the burden on the body and the situation may become more serious. If you are usually constipated, it is not suitable to eat too much matcha powder. Excessive consumption of matcha powder may exacerbate constipation.
  3. People with cold bodies should not drink matcha powder. If menstruation is irregular, excessive use of matcha powder may also worsen menstruation, even more severe than before.

Drinking matcha powder in daily life can maintain the normal operation of body organs. Matcha powder itself is rich in vitamin B1, which can better improve the mental state of the body and maintain the normal operation of the heart, nervous system, and digestive system. Matcha powder can also promote constipation. Matcha powder is rich in fiber.


Post time: Apr-08-2024